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Purchased from Niigata LAGOON BREWERY I had been curious about this beer while driving in Niigata and this is my first purchase 💰 After hearing a lot about it, I chose this one: 💁‍♂️ Opened the bottle right away 🍶This is delicious😊. The taste is a rich dobrok, but the aroma and flavor has a fresh herbal? Wood? I can smell the aroma and flavor of 🤔. I wonder if this is what you mean by the flavor of chromojis? The taste is rich but the flavor is refreshing and the slight fizziness fits very well😊The grains are the largest I've ever had in a doburoku and I got the impression they are very satisfying 🤔. A type of doburoku I've never had before 🍶. Very tasty! Thanks for the treat...