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Toyobijin限定純米吟醸 醇道一途 直汲生純米吟醸
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日本酒バル 晴ル
Toyo Bijin, last time I was in Yamagata, I had a Hashu Homare! Tonight, there was a limited Junmai Ginjo Jyundo Ittou Naokumi Namaizu, so please order it. It was a new sake! Fresh and fruity! I'm glad I asked for it! They have a lot of new sake tonight, so let's drink some more! extensive knowledge Jundo Ichizu. This phrase was given to President Sumikawa by his mentor, Koichi Yoneda, a Tajima Touji (chief brewer), when he was an apprentice. He still cherishes these words: "No matter what happens, you must live your life with a single-minded focus on sake brewing, now and in the future. The aroma is refreshing and mellow, reminiscent of peaches and pears. You can enjoy the taste of freshly brewed sake by direct pumping (a method where the pressed sake is bottled directly without going through a tank). The flavor is superb. The elegant sweetness spreads clearly, and then a large fruity flavor spreads throughout the entire bottle. The fruitiness includes hints of peach, grape, and melon. The crispness produced by the slight carbonation gives it a refreshing aftertaste. The slight bitterness unique to new sake accentuates the taste, and you will feel a considerable sense of satisfaction after drinking it!