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Shigaizumi夏泉 純米吟醸 生原酒
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It's probably a minor brand in Japan, but it's been getting rave reviews around the blogosphere, so I set my sights on this one and bought it for this year's summer sake. By the way, are there really only 3 special dealers nationwide 😳 (PS: You indicated that you think there are 4) The aroma is mild and slightly rummy. When you drink it, there is a little ripe fruitiness, like orange or alcohol for a moment, then the umami comes, then a little bitterness, and then it starts to kick in. The sweetness becomes stronger on the second day and the impression improves. It is a bit similar to To Kaizakari, but not as sweet as To Kaizakari's Nama-zake. On the third day, it is heated to 40°C and 45°C. The first taste has a fruity or sugary sweetness. The sweetness comes out first, but then the spiciness comes out with a slightly ripe umami, and it becomes spicy and sharp. When cooled, it becomes sweet without losing its sharpness. It is best served warmed. It has a very high degree of perfection, and although it is 13 degrees Celsius, it does not feel thin. It is modern, but has a good umami flavor, and is medium rather than light, which is unusual for a low-alcohol sake. It's not obvious unless you are told that it is a summer sake, and it seems to be a somewhat modern all-year-round sake. It is very difficult to say that you dislike it, regardless of whether you are a modern or classicist. It is made in March and shipped in June, and seems to be slightly matured on purpose.