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Boスプラッシュ!純米大吟醸 おりがらみ 生純米大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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I don't often buy jackets. but I was somewhat curious and decided to buy it. I looked at the label, and it's the same as the other day's "Brilliant Sparkle". So this is CWS, too? 50% polished domestic rice, 16% alcohol by volume I removed the black aluminum cover and opened the crown. The opening sound is a swoosh with mp The top aroma is quite fruity with honey apple Remembering a little of the other day's "Brilliant", I sipped the first sip. First, a sip of the supernatant. It's gorgeous, sweet and delicious. It has a nice sweetness and juiciness, but it has a strong chili flavor that is typical of sake. It has a nice sweet juicy flavor. The second cup is a bit of a dry sake. It has more flavor. It tastes better when mixed with lees. The roses in the garden are starting to bloom It's a Hanami sake 😊.
Good evening, ymdaz 😃. You are right about this one 👍. I went to Sotaike Brewery and a liquor store near there yesterday, but I didn't see any splash💦 🥲I'd like to try it 😋.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😃. This is Tochigi sake, as I recall✨. I'd love to visit Sotaike Brewery! The beautiful label stood out in the fridge of the liquor store, so if you see it, please visit ❗️