SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Harushikaときめき スパークリングサケ発泡
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Drinking at home. Purchased at "Sake no Abetaya." The photo is an empty bottle because I drank it there. Over the weekend, I visited Ojinsha Shrine and Imanishi Sake Brewery in Nara Prefecture. And I also visited Abetaya-san, who has been my mail order partner for a long time. I wanted to buy a lot of things, but I told myself that I could buy them by mail order, so I just had to settle for small bottles 😣. It is sparkling and has a low alcohol content of 6.5%. The color is clear. The smell is a sweet aroma. Of course, gory carbonation🫧🫧🫧🫧. Taste is sweet with no peculiar taste like apple🍎. Sense of apple juice. The aftertaste has a sake feel to it. It is a light sake that is easy to drink 🍶. The aftertaste is clean, so I thought it was easier to drink than non sake apple juice 🤔. After hooking one up, I'm off to Osaka 😁.