SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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First Hakurakusei. Hiyoroshi. As it is famous for being the ultimate food sake, I expected it to be light in flavor, but However, contrary to my expectations, it has a strong rice flavor and umami. The aftertaste is clean but not at all spicy. It has a clear and sharp umami taste. I felt the umami taste, perhaps because it was aged in hiyaoroshi (cold sake). After drinking about 2 gou of sake, it was difficult to balance the sake with food, perhaps because the snacks were poor, such as canned food, etc. I wanted more acidity or bitterness in the sake itself. I would not have thought so if I had seasonal seafood or other proper snacks. On the second day, I had less than two gou left. My impression was the same as yesterday, but I could feel the umami and aroma through the nose, and there was none of the lack of flavor that I felt yesterday. It's delicious!