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Koeigiku Check-in 1Koeigiku Check-in 2
Koei Kiku's new series 🍶 is said to have a thick, rich flavor similar to Kikutaka, which is a departure from the previous Koei Kiku series, but expectations are high for this new one ✨. The new one is highly anticipated ✨They claim it has a "rugged" taste, and while it certainly has a high alcohol content, it doesn't seem too heavy due to the acidity. It has a fruity aroma with a hint of acidity, as is typical of Kouei Kiku, and there is a sweetness like that of an early ripening banana that makes it not difficult to drink. It is clear without any cloying taste. Koueikiku is a series of low-alcohol sake, so you may be able to taste it well, but even so, it is lighter than so-called "full-bodied" sake with a strong flavor 😅.