SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Mukade手仕事純米酒 別拵純米
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神田とりそば なな蓮
只野 呑兵衛
I know it, but I can't stop. Anne, the girl next to me on the right, is smiling as she eats her ramen! It's as if she came here to eat. No, it's a restaurant...a ramen shop, right? She was eating so well that I couldn't help but notice. No, a ramen shop is a bar after a meal at Shu2. I thought I had seen it before...maybe. I may have never had a drink...maybe. Mukade" means "windless" in Japanese. When you put it in your mouth, you can smell the slight aroma and taste the umami and rice. It is not a sticky rice, but an elegant taste. Like a white wine without fruity flavor. It's like a white wine without fruity taste. The aftertaste is a bit grapey. I can feel the grape (?) in the aftertaste. It's been a while since I've had a good Junmai sake. I'm sure I'll love it with food! It's a pity that there is no fish...although there are some snacks... I'll have some shrimp on skewers. For the last dish of the day...let's have Niigata-style boiled and dried noodle! The old man who went home ate it like it was delicious. But first...how about one more?