SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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This is a standard sake for me that I have repeated many times. However, in my opinion, it is smooth, fragrant, and easy to drink, but there was a time when I felt that it lacked umami. This time, when I bought it after a long time and drank it, the first thing I felt was the flavor of the grains. That and a light ginjo aroma, quite dry. It's like the taste I had when I liked it...just my opinion. I think this satisfaction at the lowest price proves the brewer's underlying strength. I guess they can keep this quality of sake by storing it at low temperature with rapid cooling after heating. I remembered that I had heard a voice in my mind saying, "Isn't this sake good enough all the time?
Indeed, you can be this sake all the time👍. Isogan Honjozo.
Good morning, Mr. Hiratcho. You still want to try things, don't you? I think that's true for everyone. These drinks are exaggerated, but I feel like they are my property.