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Sakehitosuji生酛 純米吟醸純米吟醸生酛
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I bought it at a department store where the brewery was having a tasting event. It was 100% Omachi, although it was not clearly stated. The brewery is said to be the one that started the reintroduction of Omachi cultivation. The acidity is really clear, so I served it with fried oysters and tartar sauce. Even so, it has a solid taste of Omachi + Namo yeast that does not lose out. The acidity is very strong, like yogurt, but you can easily pick up the ginjo aroma if you are aware of it. However, the ginjo aroma is not strong and is slightly like banana and green bamboo. Although it is a junmai ginjo, it has won a gold medal for heated sake, so we tried heating it to lukewarm. The acidity from the sake's origins weakened and the sweetness of the junmai and the omachi flavor came to the fore. The ginjo aroma has completely disappeared. The bitterness has also appeared, so it would be better to warm it up to very lukewarm. In conclusion, it would be well-balanced to drink it at around 12 degrees. Yogurt, white bean dumplings, mushrooms, hinoki cypress banana, green bamboo