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Koshinobairi純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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It is a universal taste that transcends generations and the barriers between men and women of all ages, and makes people unconsciously fall in love with it. The perfect balance makes it an excellent match with snacks. Because it is unfiltered, it is a mellow, umami-rich sake. The slightly sweet aroma spreads pleasantly. The refreshing sweetness and umami of the rice fill the mouth, and the acidity is well-balanced, giving the sake a firm sharpness. It can also be enjoyed on the rocks with ice. By adding ice, the umami flavor is tightly controlled and the sake becomes light and even more crisp. Sake quality/classification: Sake/Junmai Daiginjo Contents] 720ml Ingredients] Rice (Niigata), Rice malted rice (Niigata) Koji rice: Gohyakumangoku (Niigata) Kake rice: Niigata rice Polishing ratio】50 Alcohol content】17.0 Sake meter degree】+4 Acidity】1.3