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Fujichitoseしぼりたて 限定品普通酒原酒生酒
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😄 Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic), Brewer's alcohol Alcohol content: 19%. This time I went back to Japan for the 13th anniversary of my father's death. Rain was forecasted, but it stopped only when we visited the cemetery. I didn't feel like going out anywhere, so I bought this sake that was on sale at a local supermarket. It is a sake that has been sold at the same brewery as the one I drank yesterday. The first sip was very sour and I thought it was too much, but as I drank more and more, it became sweeter and sweeter. It is addictive and delicious. It went very well with pickles of Kyoto vegetables. The alcohol content is 19%, so I fell asleep after drinking it😅. While Jinzo is quite expensive, this sake is a super deal at 1,200 yen for a four-pack. Highly recommended. My mother said to me, "I had a serious illness and a serious injury when I was 49 years old, and I'm afraid you'll be that age soon. Hey, you know what they say?" I thought 💦.