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This is a standard Ayagiku Sanuki Olive Junmai Sake from Ayagiku Shuzo in Kagawa. It has the same yeast and sake rice as the raw sake, but the sake level, acidity, and amino acids are interestingly different from the raw sake. The appearance is crystal clear. The aroma has a sake-like koji aroma but is softer than that of the nama sake, and is rounded by the greenness of gourd and papaya. It starts with a soft mouthfeel, then spreads rice flavor and light acidity without sweetness, and quickly disappears. Overall, it is more rounded and easier to drink than the raw sake, with less angularity. The acidity in the back half of the mouth is also noticeably sharp, but the sharpness is very mild and gentle, perhaps because the alcohol content is lower than that of nama sake at 15%. The rich olive oil-like flavor in the umami may be a placebo effect from the knowledge that Sanuki olive yeast is used 😓. The freshness of the nama sake is not bad, but the standard junmai sake here is more to my liking😊. It looks like it would be good as a mild and gentle food sake to pair with sashimi or namasu. Thank you for the meal 🍶.