SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Hankyu Department Store (神戸阪急)
HYOGO SAKE EXPO2023 (2) Akashi sea bream, which is mainly exported and not often seen in Hyogo Prefecture. We tasted the following Special Honjozo Special honjozo sake Special Junmai Daiginjo-genshu Junmai Daiginjo-genshu Ginjo-yuzu sake Ginjo-Umeshu Shiraume I tried to drink as I was told, starting from the end. The Special Honjozo to Special Junmai are classic and spicy. If I had to buy it for the price, I would probably go for the special honjozo sake. I think so, but... Daiginjo-genshu and junmai-daiginjo-genshu are beautiful and gorgeous. Well, I think that the raw sake I bought at a brewery on the Okura Coast before was also a classic type of sake. Personally, I enjoyed the plum wine the most 😅. According to the brewer, people in Wakayama drank it and praised it highly. It's very sweet, rich and tasty.