It is my mission to try every time a new product is released, which is similar to my collecting habit.
Jacket price ... 8/10
I don't dislike the color peach, but it also has a fragility that makes it look cheap.
Ki ... 15/20
The nose has a thirst-quenching sound when the bottle is opened, and the appearance is dotted with small bubbles; the smell is of sweet malted rice, but it is weak.
Sei... 16/20
The acid attack is still present on the tip of the tongue, and the smell of cedar sublimation, which is normally present at this point, is almost nonexistent.
The sweetness on the tongue is not unpleasant, and is moderate.
Turning... 15/20
The acidity with sweetness moves to the left and to the right and dissipates.
Conclusion ... 18/20
The sweetness is actually the most critical point; it is just sugar sweetness, with a slight peachy aftertaste and a lingering acidity on the tongue.
Cost performance ... 7/10
The price was 2,239 yen, which is the same as the price of Koueikiku.
The sweetness of the three varieties is rare.
79 points
The taste does not change much as the temperature rises, and the acidic stimulation becomes more rounded.
The lightness of the Alc also helps, and it is easy to drink...