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KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT原酒生酒無濾過
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My first Koei Chrysanthemum was Snow Crescent in a green bottle. Following the warning tag, the black cap is opened while holding the lid down. As soon as the bottle is opened, the lid is pushed up and the gas leaks out with a shudder. The bottle is filled with bubbles, just like a carbonated beverage. If I hadn't seen the tag, I might have blown the lid up to the ceiling. I have had several sake with a gaseous taste, but I have never had one this strong. The taste also had a character that I have never experienced in any other sake. In the mouth, there is a freshness with a grapefruit-like acidity. Bitter and astringent taste like chewed citrus peels and seeds. Woody, oaky aroma that passes through the nose. The finish is crisp and refreshing, with a moderate sweetness and a distinct gassy sensation. All of these flavors are integrated without being separated from each other. I liked the fact that Snow Crescent was also very much like a sake, even though "it tastes like it's not sake" is a byword for good sake. It had an interesting flavor that I had never experienced before, and after tasting it several times to make sure it was right, I ended up drinking too much of it.