SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Here I finally sipped my entrée (Nara's bukkake Yamato beef ginger). Yes, it's Asano Sake Shop's Rizake Fair. Thanks to them, my check-in was full of Hanaboe 🫨. This is a light nigori Yamahai. Like the previous Yamahai, is it cinnamon or ginger? I feel some kind of brown flavor 🫚 It comes in curt and sudsy. It has a good draining effect. It was written that it has citrus acidity as a characteristic, but I don't feel it so much. Maybe because it is after drinking water yeast. No, each person has his/her own way to feel the taste. That's why it's fun 😏. Enjoyed 6 kinds of sake tasting.
Hi mayu 😃 Nice job on the Hanabake sake tasting ‼️👍We received the DaI Dai a long time ago and at that time you recommended that we should try the sprash next 🤗 but we haven't 🥲I had to buy it when I saw this one! I had to buy it when I saw this 😤.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby... I often think it's a hassle to write reviews, but when I look here, I can vividly remember all the tastes of the alcoholic beverages I drank in the past. That's why I write even if it's a hassle! I wonder if it's the same for you?
Slow is good at your own pace😊. In our case, it's like a public diary 📓 where you can see what we were doing at the time 🤗.
Jay & Nobby, you're replacing your diary. That's a life of constant sake 😆.