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Kidoizumi特別純米 雄町 原酒 2016BY特別純米山廃原酒
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The rice used is Omachi from Okayama Prefecture. It has a dark mouthfeel and a bit of maturity, but as the days go by, it becomes more rounded and changes to a level where even those who are not good at it can go. However, even though it has become more rounded and easier to drink, the sweetness and strength of the Omachi can still be clearly seen, so there will be different tastes. For me, it's a very interesting sake! The first day I opened the bottle, I thought it might be too peculiar to pair with a meal. However, from the second day onwards, while maintaining its richness, it gradually becomes lighter and lighter, and is not bad as a food sake. If you roll it around in your mouth, it is a nicely aged sake, but if you drink it with gusto, you can drink it without worrying too much. Still, I want to enjoy the aged feeling of this kind of sake, so drinking it a little bit every day is good for me.