SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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At a banquet at work for the first time in years. It is a welcome and farewell party for personnel transfers & a victory party for the inspection that will be the biggest climax of this fiscal year. The sake was brought by my boss from Akita, who could not attend the party, and he said it was the most recommended Akita sake. To be honest, I didn't even know this sake existed. When I looked up the price, I was surprised! What is this? It's a very expensive one! It is not a good price to use as a gift. So, which one...? The top aroma is a fruity ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel has a fresh sweetness and fruity overtone, like a good loquat. The umami comes out slowly and moderately. The final taste is gently cut by mild acidity and bitterness. It is very clear, fruity, and delicate. The fact that there is no unpleasant taste of alcohol additives at all is due to the excellent use of high quality brewing alcohol. A bottle was quickly emptied. Thank you very much for the meal!
Hi Colonel Lal ☀☀☀☀☀! It's nice to have a boss who offers you a good drink, and a brand you've never seen before that tastes good ✨It just tastes good and makes the occasion more exciting 😆👍
Hello Ponchan 😁 Thanks to you, I was able to explore hidden great sake ✌️ I'm a sake lover at my current workplace under the department head, so it was a lot more fun than I expected 😄. We need something like this once in a while 🤘.
Good evening, Colonel Lal😄. Sorry 💦I missed it 🙇‍♀️ Drunken Rakuten is the best tasting sake 🍶 according to most of the elderly people in Akita 😆👍. My boss loved it too 😁. The saltiness of the alsobe is exquisite💕.
T.KISO good evening 😁. No, no, no, now that I know this one, I could Ver.Up too 😊. I don't want to call you old, but it's still a great sake that can stand the test of time 😄. I can drink as much as I want if it's alu-soaked like this 🤘.