My husband was excited to find this Kuroryu at a tavern around my in-laws' house. Today, we visited a New Year's party at my parents' house, so we had it together as a souvenir.
It was chilled and refreshing without any peculiarities. The taste is consistently refreshing, with no mellowing effect. Smell...unknown due to a stuffy nose. LOL. I expected it to be dry because it says the alcohol content is 16%, but it was more light and refreshing than dry. I was expecting something more like this, or maybe it was just my tongue. Sake seems to be very deep.
Today was the second day. I compared it with Senkori UA Yukidaruma......it has no punch! It is just like water. Is this the taste of Kuroryu? I am looking forward to Hitoshizuku or Hitoshibori, which I have reserved for 6 months from now.