SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Shosetsu頒布会 吟ぎんが純米大吟醸
のちをA hanpukai of a liquor store in Saitama Prefecture. Delicious. It's refreshing yet full of flavor. It goes well with sashimi, tofu, kimchi, and everything else. It's also safe to use with curry. I mean, I liked it so much that I had to drink it on Sunday. I drank beer and other alcoholic beverages, am I an idiot? My daughter, who is a snowman guesser, was spoiled at the supermarket, so I bought it. I'm lucky that Dad's meal is now easier. His daughter is happy, too, so all is well. I like the fact that they are all one of a kind and come in a single package, because it makes them look silly. If you're going to sell fights, wouldn't fans be happier with a six-pack of all six kinds?
MantaGood evening, Nochi-san ^_^! Sake from Shizuoka will go perfectly with your meal ~ ✌️ But, it's just a little bit too much for curry. I mean, it was so good, I think I drank too much 😁. My daughter is a SixTONES fan!
のちをGood morning, Manta-san. It has been a long time since I have had Shizuoka sake. It was too delicious! So it is not my fault that I drank too much, but I think Shizuoka is to blame. I have a longing for Shizuoka because I live in a sea-less prefecture.