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Sake from Fukushima Hirotogawa Junmai Ginjo Omachi Hirotogawa is a very well-balanced sake. Hirotogawa Nigori Nama Sake, which is released during the year-end and New Year holidays, is famous, but the Junmai Ginjo, which is available year-round, is also very cost-effective. Hirotogawa is usually made from Fukushima Prefecture's "Yumeko" sake rice, but this sake is made from "Omachi" rice. This is a dream combination for Hirotogawa fans and Omachinists. It has the full flavor of Omachi rice and is more floral than the Junmai Ginjo from "Yume no Kaori". It is a delicious sake anyway, so if you can find it, be sure to try it. It is a pity that it is only available in four-pack bottles. Degree of liking 10/10