SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
琵琶の長寿純米吟醸 蔵人
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Today is the longevity of Biwa. This sake is from the town of Imazu in Kosai, Shiga. It is located in the shopping district of Imazu. The store recommended the Daiginjo, but it was too expensive to buy, so I chose this one. The aroma is slightly fresh and yogurt-like. The bottle says that it is recommended to be served at room temperature, so I drank it at room temperature and found it to be a deliciously dry sake. The sweet and sour taste sharpens for a moment, then the milky flavor spreads, and the tangy bitterness tightens it up. The alcohol content is 15%, but the mouthfeel is more alcoholic. It has a unique flavor. It becomes very light when heated. Personally, I prefer it warmed up. I have been thinking about buying Biwa Chouju for a long time, but never had the courage to go into the store. Why is it that I go shopping in the shopping arcade? And when you buy Biwa Choujyu, please buy the eel as well. The eel around here is delicious!
Hi Hirupeco, good evening 🌙 I'm curious because I like eel as well as sake 😆 I'd love to go there!
Good evening, Pon-chan. Seiyu is most famous for its eel chazuke, but there are other river fish restaurants as well 😊.