SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Senkinクラシック仙禽 雄町生酛原酒無濾過
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The temperature in Sapporo has risen somewhat from the previous day, but it still gets cold at night! Let's eat oden to warm up our freezing bodies. Which sake do we have? I looked in the cold storage and found SENKYO with kanji characters! It's my first time to taste Omachi with blue characters! It tastes elegant! Five kinds of oden and oden shop's fish cutlet! This is a first for me, but the texture of the shrimp and fish paste is irresistible! Eat it hot and enjoy a glass of sake! Skills and Knowledge Rice : Koji : Domaine Sakura Yamadanishiki Kake : Domaine Sakura Omachi Polishing ratio : Koji : 50% Kake : 60% Alcohol content : 14 Sake meter degree:Not disclosed Acidity: Undisclosed The concept and differences between the Modern Series and the Classic Series are more clearly defined: the Modern Series is made with a fast brewer's mother and the Classic Series is made with a raw moto sake mother. SENKYO uses domestified sake rice, or rice grown in the same water vein as the brewing water used to make the sake.