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Hoka純米原酒 生一本純米原酒生一本
Hoka Check-in 1
Hoka Check-in 2Hoka Check-in 3
This is a Junmai Namaishu Namaichibon from Toyoshimaya in Okaya City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. Nama-ichibon is a specific name for junmai sake brewed at a single brewery, but most of the junmai sake introduced at Sake-no-Wawa falls under this category, and there are not many sake that claim this name these days. I had it cold. From the aroma, you can taste the acidity. The mouthfeel is mild and juicy sweetness comes along with the acidity. The aftertaste is slightly sour with a touch of sourness, and then it is tightened up by the sharpness of the alcohol. This was my first sake! There are still many sakes that I don't know about.