Last sake before Yokohama live at Sushi Restaurant Kagura.
First time to drink Fukui sake!
I have always been curious about this brand. I can't tell anyone that I've always read it as "Tsuneyama" despite the fact that it's a very popular brand.
Since the beginning of this year, I have had a certain frustration.
I haven't drank any sake brewed with Ihyakumangoku at all...!
And then I met Kimi. Jozan-kun.
Even before drinking it, my expectations were high.
The aroma is subdued. Gorgeous and fruity top aroma like a ginjo-shu. It is similar to muscat.
In the mouth, the pungent taste of alcohol passes quickly and gives a strong sense of sharpness.
Although there is only a small amount of alcohol left in the bottle, it still has a chirichiri-ness to it, which accelerates the sharpness.
The subtle and refreshing umami of Gohyakumangoku can also be felt.
This is what I wanted to drink!
I wanted to drink this as my first drink. (I wanted to have this as my first drink.)
It was completely the best act of the day.
Good evening, FSB 😃.
I know you read "Tsuneyama" 😅I had a Tsuneyama a while ago and it was really good 😋 We like dry sake! I'd like to try Kochira Tsuneyama too 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby!
Thanks for your comment!
It's hard to read "jouzan" at first sight (lol).
If you like dry taste, it's worth a try!
I'll check out the other Jouzan-kuns too!