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Sogga pere et filsイリヤ ソントン生酛生酒
Sogga pere et fils Check-in 1Sogga pere et fils Check-in 2
I want to sleep on the sogape I was able to buy this year 😪 and drink it. But I want to taste it. So I want to know the progress of the sogapé and order some 🍷. I had the first sip. The first aroma is sweet with a hint of acidity like that of a sake yeast yeast yeast. In the mouth, there is a slight bitterness and a moderate sweetness and sourness. It was my first time to drink anything other than normal numero sis, so I was surprised to find out that it was like this 🤔. Compared to numerosis, I felt both sweetness and acidity were stronger. You can also enjoy the change in taste after opening the bottle 😅 says the master. I think I'm going to go to this store. (I already do)
I drank it a week after opening the bottle and it was sweet and tasty 🍷.