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Kikumasamuneしぼりたて ギンリッチ生貯蔵酒
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マックスバリュ 浜松三方原店
Chilled, room temperature: The aroma is wonderful and surpasses that of an ordinary daiginjo. Fresh, sweet, apple-like aroma reminiscent of Otters. On the rocks: Overall mild, especially the bitterness is gone and the sweetness is stronger. Later on, the fullness of flavor is lost. It is considered the best of the Kikumasagin series, with a stronger flavor and bitterness in comparison, as well as 30% more ethyl caproate, the substance from which the aroma is derived. It is priced at less than 900 yen for a 900 ml bottle, and is packaged in paper cartons and printed with rice ink, making it easy to handle and eco-friendly. Gold medal in the main category of the Taste in a Wineglass Sake Awards 2021 and 2024