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Gakki Masamune本醸造 中取り本醸造中取り
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Honjozo Nakatori by Musical Instrument Masamune. Since my first Gakki Masamune was a Bessen Honjozo Nakatori, I wanted to try this standard green label at some point. I drank Bessen more than a month ago, so I can't make an exact comparison, but it seemed more refreshing than the Bessen I remember. It may be that I was not accustomed to drinking sweet sake at the time, but the Bessen was sweeter and had a longer aftertaste, whereas the Green Label was sweeter in the mouth, but it faded quickly and the taste was refreshing. The aftertaste has a bitterness and a spiciness that comes from the acidity, and I also felt a sharpness to it. While Bessen has a juicy fruitiness that gives it a dessert-like taste, Green Label gives the impression of being a versatile sake that can be enjoyed before or during meals.