SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Izumikawa純米吟醸 ふな口本生 2023BY純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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Tonight, we will be drinking new sake, but this is the first one to greet you 💁. Izumikawa Jungin Nanaguchi Hon Nama Nama ✨✨✨✨ Izumikawa is a sake that is distributed within the prefecture by the famous sake brewery HIROKI, but this Jungin Funakuchi Honnen is exceptionally popular and our expectations are skyrocketing. ⤴️ The bottle was opened very quietly, with a little lees at the bottom of the bottle. The aroma is similar to that of Tobiroki, but it is not flashy, with fresh melon and pear fruits. The taste is a little viscous and smooth on the tongue, with moderate acidity and the sweetness of the rice spreading through a dry aftertaste. When the starch is mixed in, the softness and flavor increase, and although it has a moderate alcohol content, it is a very popular wine.