SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hanaharu大内宿 純米吟醸 雪中百姫 2024 十五女
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common shrub Alcoholic aroma with a hint of grape. Softness, dryness or numbness in the mouth. A little ripe aroma and melon-type sweet aroma. Well, if we talk only about the taste, the impression is weak, but the memory of going to Ouchi-juku to buy it is the biggest flavor enhancer. Purchased at Misawaya Kuemon in Ouchi-juku. Deep in the mountains of Aizu. The liquor store is located in a village with a wonderful landscape of rice paddies and thatched-roof buildings. The sake is aged in the snow every year, and this year is the 15th year. This sake is aged for one year. It is an interesting product whose price is proportional to the number of years it has been aged. I arrived early in the morning, so I brazenly approached the store as it was preparing to open and was allowed to shop. Very courteous customer service. I wonder if I will see Jugojo again the next time I visit. The QR code on the label is the line account of the liquor store. Correction. It was posted under Hanaizumi. It is Hanaharu.
Good evening, old man😃. I see you were in Ouchi-juku🤗It's a nice place with a nice atmosphere😌We only went there once🥲and we ate Negi Soba noodles at that time but didn't buy any sake😅Sake is a good way to remember your trip!
Dear Jay & Nobby. It was too early in the morning and restaurants were closed. Soba is good! Our trip to Fukushima in June was gdgd, but the return trip was fulfilling. Aizuwakamatsu→Ouchi-juku→Kaito-Ozan→Hanaizumi→Road 252→Tamagawa Shuzo→Hachikaisan→N-ken