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Kamonishiki荷札酒 越淡麗 純米大吟醸
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I wonder if it's ok to open such a nice drink when the week has just started 🤔. The label on the back of the bottle says "Ohayameniomesiagari kudasai", and as sake people, we have no choice but to follow the instructions 😆. Koshitanrei is a cross between Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku, a rice developed and bred in Niigata for daiginjo-shu. In the Kafuda Sake series, the sake rice used and the production method are changed depending on the time of year and the lot, and this is indicated on the package tag. All of the pack tagged sake is junmai-daiginjo-shu (pure rice daiginjo-shu) and is sold only through special dealers, so it is not sold directly at the brewery, nor is it sold through the brewery's online store. This is why they are so special. The brewery has been in business for more than 120 years in Niigata, a rice-producing region, and is one of the most traditional and well-established breweries in the country. The rice is polished to 50% and the sake is light with a muscat-like aroma. When I was young, I was grateful to drink Niigata sake for that reason alone. Words like "Koshino-Kanbai" and "light" are nostalgia for Niigata. Young people probably don't know about the trend. Nowadays, beautiful sake is produced all over the place every day, and it is all over the focus of SNS and other media. In this case, I would like to have two or three livers.