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This sake is brewed with 100% Kinmon-Nishiki sake rice from Kijimadaira Village, Nagano Prefecture, which I have been interested in for some time. The sake from Nagano Prefecture reminds me of "Uchiyama-no-shizuku," a freshly stored sake in snow that I drank before. It was delicious. This time, I was looking forward to seeing how it would taste like as it was hiyaoroshi. So we opened the bottle! The top aroma is not so strong, but it has a fresh aroma with an elegant sweetness. It is sweet and sour with a hint of sourness. When you put it in your mouth, a soft sweetness spreads in your mouth first, followed by a mild sourness and astringency. This is Kinmon-nishiki! After swallowing it down the back of the throat, a moderate pungency and acidity lingers in the aftertaste. It seems to go well with lightly seasoned meals. Oh, it's so good! I can drink it so easily! This time we drank it cold, but it is also delicious lukewarm. Next time, I would like to try it lukewarm. I think it probably tastes better lukewarm.