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Nagurayama Check-in 1
[10/17-18 on vacation] I'm going on a trip with my co-workers for two days and one night. I want to drink as much sake as I can in Aizu-wakamatsu on Saturday and in Niigata on Sunday. First of all, we had a lunch in Aizuwakamatsu. We went to a ramen and sauce katsudon restaurant for tourists. Our car driver said we could drink, so we ordered some sake. I asked for a local sake from Aizuwakamatsu, Nakurayama. Specs are unknown. A refreshing yet robust taste. It's a food saké that doesn't lose to heavily seasoned dishes. It was like a local drink. An extra snack (fried noodles?) It was also delicious.
Good evening! Aizu-Niigata is a great line for sake lovers! I'm looking forward to your Niigata Sake Review!
Thanks for your comment, drinker! This is truly a sake drinking tour. It's actually my first time to visit Niigata City, so my expectations are very high. And I'll do my best to review Niigata Sake!