Tokyo Station (1)
A client contacted me to meet and talk outside of the office, so we went to Tokyo Station for dinner (Yakitori).
Naturally, the topic of the conversation was a heavy one.
So, I didn't take any pictures of the drinks and food, or make any notes,
At the end of the conversation, when things had settled down somewhat, I took a picture of the sake bottles, but only the last dish of shiitake mushrooms (๐โ๐ซ) ๐ข.
I wasn't in a state to take notes, and I didn't taste the food, so my memory is a bit dubious, but I'll try to document it in case it's worth it!
This is my first time to drink Eikawa.
I think it was a dry and crispy type? I think so!
It's a refreshing drink that goes down smoothly while eating yakitori.