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Morishima美山錦 純米吟醸 しぼりたて 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
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Nanka Yokai
I couldn't find the sake from another prefecture that I wanted, so I bought Morishima from Sumai Prefecture, which I had noticed in various places and was curious about. The aroma is like yogurt. The mouthfeel is slightly effervescent with a refreshing yogurt-like acidity along with the aroma. Fresh! The aftertaste is also bitter, but the bitterness disappears gently and invites the next sip. Delicious while fresh and to be enjoyed without being swallowed by the sake. The day after tomorrow, the first Risshun Hatsu Shibori that I ordered for the first time will come, and any more sake bottle occupancy will be a complaint from the Polish.
Hi Nanka Yokai 😃 Even if you can't find out-of-prefecture sake, it's OK because Morishima's Miyamanishiki is so good 😋. I have no complaints at home because we are a couple drinking 😁The fridge problem is a big problem everywhere 😅.
Nanka Yokai
Hi Jay & Nobby, ‼️ Morishima Miyamanishiki was so good I drank more than half of it 💦. Last year, my favorite liquor store recommended Oumachi, but I missed it, so this is the year to try it✨. I love that you and your wife drink sake together 🍶.