SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Matsumidori火入れ R4BY特別純米
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日本酒バル 志賀
Clear, sweet and easy to drink♡♡♡♡ Thank you Shiga-san, the always polite owner of ❤️ for teaching me about sake 😊. Item: Sake, between 15 and 16% alcohol by volume. Ingredients: 20% Yamadanishiki, 80% Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio: 50% for koji rice, 55% for kake rice Normally, sake is hi-ire three times before shipping, but if it is not hi-ire, the raw sake gradually oxidizes. Hi-ire = adding water to the sake to heat it up (lower the alcohol content) and preserve its flavor.