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alt 1
Thankfully, it was a gift. Apparently, it's a crowdfunded sake, made by assembling several different types of aged sake from the 1970s. It's been over a month since I opened the bottle, and I'm slowly savoring it. The color is a light brown with a reddish tinge rather than amber, and the aroma is sweet like vanilla and caramel. It has a sweet aroma of vanilla and caramel, with a hint of malt. The palate is sweet with savory brown sugar and caramel, and the acidity spreads quickly, but the fruitiness is almost non-existent, and it is probably the sweetness and flavor of the grains. The body is about medium with no horniness at all. The aftertaste lasts for a long time, with little bitterness and a little astringency at the end. It's like drinking a brandy, but it's not like a distilled spirit, it's like a fine Shaoxing wine or a sherry (cream?). It has an impression of sherry (cream?). I'd like to pair it with something like whiskey or brandy, or maybe chocolate with more cocoa.