Jikon特別純米 にごりざけ生
A friend and I were having a drink after a concert.
The sake was not available at the store, but the waitress made a smart offer when we were talking about various types of sake.
The sake was easy to drink as usual, and Jikin, which got me hooked on sake, was the best.
Once in a lifetime encounter.
Bebe, nice to meet you!
It's great to enjoy a glass of Jikin after a live concert!
One of the things that got me hooked on sake was Jikin, so I guess it's a once-in-a-lifetime encounter 😊.
ma-ki- Thank you for your comment!
I appreciate the shopkeeper. The sake swamp is exactly what it sounds like, and it was Jikkai that got me hooked on sake too.
It's important to enjoy what you can drink at the time to the fullest. ☺️