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Koikawa地酒 山居倉庫 純米大吟醸 亀の尾 吊雫原酒純米大吟醸原酒袋吊り
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おにぎり処 あみ
The next one came out, wrapped in newspaper, with the brand name handwritten in black letters. The customer sitting next to me brought this in. The customer sitting next to me brought it in. I'll be happy to share it with you. It's refreshing and goes in like water! Thank you very much 😊. a great deal of knowledge Hozhizuku Genshu is the ultimate sake where only a small portion is harvested and shipped as it is in its original state. Ingredient rice Kame-no-o Polishing ratio 40 Yeast YK009 Sake degree +4 Acidity 1.4 Alcohol 17.1