The starting point of my sake history, "Tedorigawa" by Yoshikawa Sake Brewery
Ishikawa-mon" is a high-quality sake rice developed in Ishikawa Prefecture. Its characteristic large heart white gives it a beautiful and gentle sweetness, but it is very delicate and easily cracked, making it a difficult rice for brewers to work with. Tetorigawa" is brewed by taking full advantage of this "Ishikawamon" and has a refreshing aroma and a fresh, juicy taste as if you have bitten into a pear.
You can enjoy the new world of "Tetorigawa".
Rice Source : Koji rice - Ishikawamon, Kake rice - Ishikawamon
Rice Polishing Ratio: Koji Rice-50%, Kake Rice-60
Alcohol Content : 15.0
Sake Degree : ±0
Acidity: 1.3
Good evening, Haruaki! I bought this sake by chance today! I'll look forward to opening it 😎.
It is a good performance that betrays the deliciousness of Tedorigawa in a good way.
Please enjoy it!