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Mutsu Hachisen Natsu Doburokku Junmai Activated Nigori Nama 1800ml 3,300 yen Doburokku" is one of Mutsu Hachisen's popular summer products. The fermentation-derived carbon dioxide gas, sweet and sour taste, and the mellow feeling of the ori (oli) are irresistible. Even those who do not normally drink sake can enjoy this sake! It is favored by many people for its familiar taste. Rather than enjoying the smoothness of the oli, it is characterized by the presence of the oli, which is like doburoku, and is very satisfying to drink! Even after the bottle is opened, the bubbles are vigorous, rising vigorously rather than shrieking. When you take a sip, the carbon dioxide gas stimulates the inside of your mouth, and although it is an alcoholic beverage, it feels as if you are drinking a soft drink. It is sweet, but the dryness and freshness of the carbon dioxide gas gives it a nice, refreshing aftertaste. In addition to the impactful name, this taste is the reason why Mutsu Hachisen is a hot product, highly reputed as a summer specialty of Mutsu Hachisen.