SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Souvenirs from my wife's trip to Kasama, Ibaraki with her friends. Inazato Hoshi Junmai Ginjo Sake I've never had before. It tastes like rice, it's very robust. A little sourness, sweetness is just rice sweetness. I like the way it tastes. I read that it goes well with Italian and French food? With pasta (not pictured) This is also served with a souvenir sake cup made of Kasama-yaki porcelain. But maybe the glass would have gone better with the pasta? LOL! That's okay too!
Good morning, Takashi 😃! We went to the Mashiko pottery market the other day! We went to the Mashiko pottery market the other day 😃 We saw the advertisement for Kasama-yaki there too 🤗. I see that bap-san had the same drink and also used a gugu-meister from the Kasama pottery market!
Good morning, Jay & Nobby ☀☀☀. I think my wife was at the pottery market too. I think we might have passed each other bap lol. She said there were 3 different kinds of alcohol and she bought the middle one ☺.