
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

  • 南部美人
  • 南部美人
Mar 12, 2021 1:39 PM
  • Milan HauserGin-otome, polishing rate 55%, SMV +4, acidity 1.5, Alc. 15-16%, yeast M310 and No. 9 I heard this sake was good so I bought it last year. I find the new red labels more elegant. This junmai is fragrant. If someone gave me a glass of it I would guess ginjo by the aroma. Smells like bananas and strawberries. Refreshing and smooth. Some sweetness from rice. Neither sweet nor dry. Bitterness in the middle and medium aftertaste of alcohol. Tingling on the tongue and bitterness in the throat remain.
  • Milan HauserIt's very drinkable. Not too shiny not too bland. I don't see why it won Sake Champion on IWC 2017.

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