SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
府中誉"テロワール" 太田ノ谷 渡船
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鮨利崎 恵比寿
Sushi Toshizaki at Ebisu. Sake was left to me. I had two kinds of sake from the stock at home and one brand that I just drank the other day! So, I post the other ones. This is the fourth following the first Sansho, the second Nirvana Kame, and the third Sakura. This sake is said to be concerned with the expression of terroir like wine. The back label also explains the terroir in detail. In comparison with the first three, it is heavier but absolutely light. The rice flavor is still there. The terroir... even if you ask me to feel the terroir, I don't know it because I don't know the terroir! LOL!