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Tatsuizumi山廃 本醸造 こだま別誂 生原酒 2021BY
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After purchase, the bottle was left at room temperature for two weeks before opening. Ripe aroma, like syrup or cocoa. It has a good reputation for warming up from very hot temperatures, and the first day was from 60°C. When it is drunk, it has a ripe orange-like sweetness that is typical of raw aged sake, and at the same time, a rice-like umami expands. After that, it rapidly becomes spicy, perhaps due to the aluzome, and then it becomes hot and sharp. When cooled, the initial sweetness is pleasantly persistent and the sharpness is mild. It is definitely suited for warming and cooling. On the rocks on the 4th day. This is also a recommended way to drink it. It has a moderate ripeness and sweetness like prunes, with a sharp sharp edge due to the dryness of the alcohol. It is not as complex as the heated version, but it is also good. It has a very high level of perfection and a good impression, but it is not a bottle that sticks with me personally, although it is a subtle difference (last year's Hokian Okuni was more appealing than the same type of Kodama PB).