
Record, Know, Discover Your Favorite Sake

  • 舞美人
  • 舞美人
Mar 29, 2021 2:40 PM
  • Milan HauserGohyankumangoku, polishing rate 60%, SMV -16, acidity 6,2, wild in-house yeast This is unlike any sake I've had before. The color is surprisingly yellow. It is not very fragrant. I can smell honey and liquorice. Oh, wow! All I taste is yamahai! I taste acid and rice umami. It is like umeshu but not that sweet. I feel the almost vinegar-like tingling of namazake and chestnut-like koji taste. First time drinking muroka nama genshu using naturally occuring in-house yeast. SanQ, Mikawa Shuzo!

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