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かぶとむし Check-in 1
かぶとむし Check-in 2かぶとむし Check-in 3
I can't do without a refreshing drink in this hot weather! That's why I got a bug! Hmm? This year, too, many people have sent out information about their catches in various places, and most of them seem to be the same as in the previous years. but it seems that most of them are ...... This year's bugs...... are something different, aren't they? It's become synonymous with "Adult Lemon🙂". Lemon squash for adults. This year, however, it has been overshadowed by the cream soda for adults. The heart of it is ...... Well, there's nothing special about it, but it's just It's like "cream soda with more cream," but with more yogurina. I wonder if there was a change in the brewing process, assuming there is no annual difference in rice, water, and yeast. Senkin Lemon Squash" *CM: Shigeru Matsuzaki / Planning: Dentsu I think it's a bit far from 🤔? The creamy texture of this squash is a little bit heavy, but only a little, because of the gap between the taste and the bias of "adult's lemon squash". But still, SENKOU is still SENKOU! The unique acidity is irresistible!
Mr. Sakeran, every year ❗️ You preach "cream soda for adults" but in fact it's just yogurt cream.... Why not "adult drinking yogurt"?
Hello, Chichi-dono! 👋 Well, I had a bias that it was an adult's reska, and that's what I was looking for, so I guess I was a bit confused by the gap this time... but that's okay, because it was delicious😇.