yu yu
Shirakikyu HONEYDROP
I'm excited to order by mail order.
I imagined "honey lemon" from the title.
I didn't see anything about lemon anywhere 🍋.
I can't help but think that "honey lemon" is not far off.
Honey lemon" is not far off🍋.
Looks good with soda too✨
Black yeast is acid, yellow yeast is sweetness 🍋.
The world of Sake is so deep...
The ways of expression are infinite. ♾️
If you look carefully, this label is good, too!
Yellow malted rice and black malted rice are striped.
The idea and the design are so stylish ✨.
⬇Excerpt from the label⬇
The mother, the first stage, and the fourth stage are made with black koji,
The 1st and 3rd stages are brewed with yellow malted rice.
The natural citric acid produced by black malted rice and the sweetness of yellow malted rice are combined.
and the sweetness of yellow malted rice.
Please enjoy the sweet drops filled with SHIRAKIKU's character.
Please enjoy the sweet drop.
Ingredients : Rice (domestic), Rice Koji (domestic)
Alcohol content: 14%.
Rice used: All Koshihikari produced in Tango