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This will probably be my first craft saké review. What do you think of the specs on this one, which seem to focus on acidity and are modern? It seems to feature the use of germinated brown rice. Also, the mail-order source liquor store labeled it as orikarami, but it is a clear sake, and I suspect it is a regular product. The aroma is melon-like and floral, like a rose, and there is a strong acidity when you drink it. It has a strong acidity. It gives the impression of being wild. As it is, it has a slight sweetness and bitterness like brown rice, and a matured flavor. Surprisingly, it goes well with light dishes and salads rather than strong dishes. Although it is modern, it does not give a strong impression of fruit, but more of a floral flavor, while the use of brown rice gives it a strong rice flavor that is surprisingly unique. Personally, I prefer the sharpness of the rice, but the number of distributors is increasing at a rapid pace, and I would like to try other specifications next time.